The flag of our St. Liborius Schützenverein bears a remarkable spell: Gain new strength from old root (Aus alter Wurzel neue Kraft). Visually, this statement is made very obvious. From an old tree stump sprouts a young, green branch. In symbolic form is illustrated here that our association goes back a very old tradition of an old root. The fresh drive but is founded on our community 5O years ago, the St. Liborius Schützenverein.
Some statements in the statutes of our association are also related to the history and original meaning of the marksmen being in our room. It says: The purpose of the marksmen club is to foster long-standing traditions, such as (to celebrate) home and marksmen festivities. The shooting sports as a peculiar feature of the marksmen being should be encouraged and efforts (to contribute) to sustain the health of the public and private life within the meaning of Christian Culture, is a concern of the association. (Statutes § 2, Purpose of the Marksmen Club).
This also results in the three principles of our marksmen club. They are enshrined in the statutes and are: „Für Glaube, Sitte und Heimat (For faith, morals and home)“.
These valuable and is still significant, final and conclusive tenors of the rural marksmen being (that is still firmly established, especially in the Catholic areas of Westphalia) have significantly contributed to the marksmen movement has a power in it, which contributed to its continued existence and its significance for centuries.
Hubert Plogmeiner, Eissen - Bild unserer Heimat
In the following you will find articles about the development of the marksmen being and the history of St. Liborius Schützenverein Eissen