More than Hüssenberg open air party and Easter fire
The foundation of KLJB Eissen dates back to the year 1953. On the initiaive of the then village priest Kaup in cooperation with rector Brüggemann from Hardehausen, first preliminary meetings to establish a Catholic rural youth group in Eissen took place in August. In March 1955, 30 young men of the community meet in the youth home to carry out the establishment of the rural youth group. In the first board were elected: Josef Wieners (1. chairman), Karl Pott and Fritz Emmerich.
For the following years, no events are narrated. In September 1967 a revival of the rural youth happend under the leadership of Alfons Rose, Franz Strobel and Georg Leifels. Among the first new activities included the participation in the carnival parade along with the sports club.
Easter 1968 the KLJB organized the first Easter fire, which was held on the Hüssenberg to that time. In the fall of that year, members of rural youth groups from Eissen and Borgentreich met at the nearby Hüssenberg to make a BBQ and fry potato. That evening plans for a bigger event next year on the Hüssenberg were forged. The following year, these considerations found execution in the form of a summer festival.
This event can be described as the birth of modern Hüssenbergfest. On this occasion, especially a dance floor was built and engaged a music group. To power served a diesel generator. To all rural youth groups in the former district of Warburg invitations were sent. The evening was a great success - due to the large crowds had constantly beer be rescheduled.
In cooperation with the KLJB Borgentreich a rural youth group from the Netherlands visited us, in 1970 the rural youth group from the Netherlands was visited in their home in return. In the same year, the KLJB participated in the Aktion Minibrot for the first time. The returns from this chrich-wide campaign are channeled into development aid for the Third World. Easter fire, Hüssenbergfest and Aktion Minibrot have become over years an integral part of village life.
1979 was an anniversary celebration held on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of KLJB Eissen. After coffee and cake dances were performed by the female members. In the evening a cozy drink took place. The next day the Hüssenbergfestwas celebrated. Since the early 80s the rural youth group drap up a village calendar, where all the important events in the village, as well as important birthdays are listed.
The 80s were the awkward age of the rural youth group in Eissen. So fanden beispielsweise bei der Klus Eddessen nicht näher zu erörternde Aktivitäten statt. So not much to debate actions happened at the Klus Eddessen. God, oh, god... Neverthless, training courses were attended in the house of rural youth movement in Hoinkhausen.
In the beginning of the 90s, the former school, in which the KLJB had their rooms, was converted into a home for asylum seekers. This marked the temporary end of the rural youth movement in Eissen. After a year's break, the village youth came together, re-call the KLJB into life. As room for the KLJB the extension of the parish home was provided. With new verve the rural youth also participated in regional policy issues, such as the participation in the demonstration in Detmold against the planned landfill site for toxic materials in the Stubbig. On this background, the KLJB participated in Peckelsheim with a car at the Rose Monday parade.
For sure the KLJB is involved in church activities in a variety of ways. In processions we provide standard bearers, children worships are organized, early warships and Stations of the Cross devotions get support. On the parish festival, games and fun for the children of the villate are offered.
Some other activities are the collection of the christmas trees as well as participation on the „Day of the Environment“.
Since the end of 2001, the KLJB eissen has it's own website at where we present us and our activities. (This site was merged in 2005 into the current Eissen website.)
Christian Tewes, Thorsten Hofmann, Nicolas Aisch, Matthias Fehring
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