German: Aieshusun - Aeissun - Eysnen - Eissen - Bild unserer Heimat
Published by St. Liborius-Schützenverein Eissen to mark
50 years of existence (1953-2003)
first mention of marksmen in the village of Eissen 410 years ago
first mention of the village 1000 years ago
under the motto
„Aus alter Wurzel neue Kraft“
(Old root, new force)
Self-publishing/NEWSPOINT-Medienservice Uwe Rottkamp, Bad Salzuflen
At the origin of the book have been involved:
Fritz Derenthal, Theodor Emmerich, Fritz Engemann, Josef Ludwig, Otto Michels, Hubert Plogmeier, Otto Rengel, Hubert Rottkamp, Hemlut Rüthers, Felix Sievers, Brigitte Soethe, Josef Stolte and Uwe Rottkamp as adviser and publisher.
The marksmen confraternity St. Liborius Eissen can look back to 50 years of existence. 50 years of existence of a marksmen confraternity are not a long time in comparison to associations of this kind in our region. But is it important? It is much more important how a relative young association integrated and rooted into history, concept, ideals and traditions of the marksmen movement.
But this, so we dare to say, was succeeded by the marksmen in Eissen.
They succeed because they felt and feel obligated to the motto the founders of the confraternity wrote on the flag in 1953, namely „Aus alter Wurzel neue Kraft“ (Old root, new force) – from the beginning up to the present day. Along with these, the three principles „Glaube, Sitte, Heimat“ (faith, morals, homeland) are obligations for us as marksmen brothers.
With this in mind, and on the occasion mentioned above, our association has set itself the task to publish this village book. But the occasions, there are several: Let us view them in their entirety:
- 50 years Schützenverein St. Liborius Eissen
- first mention of marksmen in the village of Eissen 410 years ago
- first mention of the village Eissen (Aieshusun) 1000 years ago
Occasions that are, in their respective and cooperating meaning, reason enough, to pay special attention for the year 2003. This is done by engaging in two-week festive period designed by marksmen shooting, village festival and marksmen festival. The significance of these events for our village manifests itself especially through the presentation of this book.
Were these occasions, so there are even deeper reasons to create a work like the present. We all can only appreciate and see as lovable and worth living, what we know and want to get to know better and better. For this purpose this book should contribute.
Already in 1978, for the 25th anniversary of our association, villagers published a brochure named „Eissen – unser Heimatort“ (Eissen - our hometown). This was an important beginning to record information about our village that is worth to know and remarkable. This script has its value as before. Thanks to the authors.
The now present book goes further when it comes to the examination and exposure of, in our opinion, important contents. Several authors have researched for years, even decades. It came, as it is indeed the meaning of research, to new and wider knowledge and understanding. This takes place in the individual sections. Also because of the early start of the conception of this book, it could lead to a broadening of the spectrum of content. The so-called book panel has found together again and again in the last two years, to coordinate the works and advance the progress.
So in our hands we hold a joint effort.
The result is an inventory of knowledge about the timely distant and near events in our hometown. It was important to the contributors to record what the present generation still knows and has experienced. Much of that, for example the war events from April 1945, would be otherwise too easily lost and crashed into the darkness of oblivion.
It was one of our concerns, to create a - albeit modest - monument for a son of Eissen, the teacher, writer and poet Joseph Rust (1895 - 1981). Joseph Rust left back plenty of remarkable and thought provoking texts - in prose and poetic form. His poem „Das Dorf“ ("The Village") is also at this time, as in 1978, at the beginning of the book.
It is a masterpiece. In this skillfully formed text, Joseph Rust associated - in form and content - all that what minds a village in all the interactions between its single elements. Skillful, accurate and coherent he caught the arrangement of a village. His son, retired pastor Josef Rust, we are thankfully obligated for the disposition of texts of his father and for his own contribution to this book.
We thank Uwe Rottkamp, who grew up in Eissen, now a journalist, editor, owner of an editorial department in Bad Salzuflen and a publisher. At the right moment he grabbed competently and energetically into the spokes of the wheel of the professional layout and design to push the project „Book Eissen“. We are not only pleased about his work-related commitment but are also taken with his emotional solidarity when coaching and attending the project.
We thank all who have contributed in any way to the success of our project, first and foremost and representative Hubert Plogmeier, who has been a driving force as executive editor and author and who invigorated the project repeatedly. The names of those who contributed continuously over the entire time of the creation process are listed separately.
Important for the creation of this book are the sponsors that are listed in alphabetical order. We recommend them to your special attention. For us as publisher it was obvious, to contribute money from the association's asset to keep the price of the book in affordable limits. The sponsors greatly helped thereby.
All the content shows one, though certainly not complete, but yet significant piece of our village culture. The book itself is a documentation fo this village culture that characterizes our living environment and affects us. This includes the working world, celebrations, families, clubs and not least the religion, in short - the living environment created by and also formed in the future by the village community, the village Eissen.
Life pulsates in Eissen, still, notwithstanding questionable changes in modern times. An example are our clubs, which give us all an important part of quality of life.
We tried to counter the rootlessness and alienation of people, what is complained about everywhere, to not let happen what was once said like the following:
Some people have a house number, but no home. Our home, the village Eissen, was worth the effort.
Someone who does not know where he comes from will not know where he is going to - because he does not know where he is.
Otto von Habsburg
- Bäckerei Lothar König, Rösebeck
- Baugeschäft Günter Amthor, Eissen
- Biolandhof Engemann, Eissen
- Brauerei Warburg
- Country-Freunde Eissen-Volkmarsen
- Dachdeckerei Wallis, Peckelsheim
- Edeka-Neumarkt, Inh.: Uwe Werner, Peckelsheim
- Edelstahltechnik Andreas Jürgens, Eissen
- Egge-Gebirgs-Verein Eissen
- Engemann Franz, Eissen
- Eulenhof GbR, Eissen
- F&S Sievers GmbH & Co. KG, Eissen
- Festwirt Schlichtherle, Körbecke
- Fleischerei Anton Bartoldus, Borgentreich
- Freiwillige Feuerwehr Eissen
- Friseursalon Rudolf Gördemann, Peckelsheim
- Gärtnerei Ulrich Balkenhol, Peckelsheim
- Gasthof Sievers „Dorfkrug“, Eissen
- Gesangverein „Eintracht“ Eissen
- Heinzungs- und Lüftungsbau Michael Hoffmann
- Kath. Landjugend Eissen
- Kath. Kirchengemeinde Eissen
- LVM-Versicherungsbüro Paul Arens
- Metallbau Peter Doludda, Eissen
- Möbel-Krüger, Peckelsheim
- Motorradfreunde Eissen
- Motorradhof Stefan Saken, Eissen
- Ortsheimatpfleger, Eissen
- Provinzial-Versicherungsbüro Thyrian, Peckelsheim
- Quelle-Agentur Götsche, Peckelsheim
- RCG Kornhaus GmbH, Eissen
- Reiseunternehmen Rudolf Rose, Peckelsheim
- S+R Massivbau GmbH, Peckelsheim
- Schornsteinfegermeister Alfred Böhle
- Sparkasse Höxter
- Sport-Mewes, Inh.H Matthias Mewes
- Sportverein „Germania“ Eissen
- Tennisverein „Blau-Weiß“ Eissen
- Tierarzt Ulrich Meier, Peckelsheim
- Uniformen Michael Flore, Peckelsheim
- Verein Eissener Karnevalisten
- Volksbank Paderborn-Höxter eG
- Volksbank Warburger Land